Women's Referral Service
Worthwhile Referral Sources

What Our Members Say
Feel free to contact any or all of them and ask how WRS is helping their business get more business.

For a video version of testimonials click here.

WRS is the leading network organization. That is a fact. It proves itself time and time again. Like everything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. The more you give referrals to other members, the more referrals you get. WRS teaches members how to build solid referral sources in the organization that actually produce new customers. WRS provides you a place to meet other like-minded business professionals who need your services and have clients, customers, colleagues, friends and family members who need your services. WRS offers your training, mentoring, marketing and advertising opportunities that you cannot find in any other networking organization.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.”

- Douglas Christian, Life/Health/Disability Income Specialist
818-461-1215 / www.nmfn.com/DouglasChristian


“The WRS Blue Book is a tremendous way to double or triple your referrals. Your ad is at every WRS networking event, even when you can't be. WRS sends the BB along with a cover letter to high-end target companies to encourage their employees to take advantage of using the prescreened and qualified services of our members. What could be better?

- Sharon Helmer, Quality Discount Printers
818-995-6011 / www.discountprinters.org


“WRS has done wonders for my business. I get 70% of my business from WRS or WRS referrals. The proof of this is on my portfolio, on my website. I am a proud, lifetime member.”

- Suzanna Sahakian, Computaid
310-230-1998 - www.computaid.com


‘I joined WRS as a way to build my business and it has more than doubled! Networking in WRS really works! I receive referrals from members, their colleagues, friends and family members. The WRS Blue Book is my #1 resource for referring other members. I provide a WRS Blue Book to all my clients every year. I love promoting everyone’s
business. WRS has taught me that marketing is the most important part of creating a successful business.”

- Evelyn Siegel, Cash Flow Services
310-826-4847 - www.cashflowservice.com

"When I first joined WRS, I don’t know which surprised me more; that such a friendly group was so professional, or that such a professional group was so friendly! WRS really focuses on teaching its members how to grow their businesses, and the members actively help each other generate that business, in a comfortable and upbeat atmosphere. The educational tools available are invaluable. Since I’ve joined WRS, my business has nearly doubled. I’m proud to be a part of the network, and to say I’m a Lifetime Member! Call me if you have any questions.”

- Larry Spinak, Compunerds
310-314-1506 www.CompuNerdsLA.com


WRS is the best place to go shopping for the products and services you need, as well as find wonderful clients for your own business. They teach you how to network effectively, use a non-selling sales method, and create more business than you’ve ever had before. It’s the best networking there is, and I’ve been attending meetings regularly for the past twenty-one years.”

- Chellie Campbell, Author, The Wealthy Spirit and Zero to Zillionaire
310-476-1622 - www.chellie.com


"If you're looking for abundance and affluence, you've struck gold in  WRS! Great referrals, great friends, and an always growing business:  I'm thrilled!"

- Diane Curran, Mozaique Media Arts,
818-789-5115 - www.mozaiquemediaarts.com/



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