Women's Referral Service
Worthwhile Referral Sources

Networking in Worthwhile Referral Sources
Feel free to contact any or all of them and ask how WRS is helping their business get more business.

For a video version of testimonials click here.

WRS Membership

WRS is a membership organization.  All of our Members are pre-screened and qualified and are required to uphold the principle of doing business honestly, honorably, ethically and with integrity.  This is just one of the reasons WRS is set apart from the rest. Our members tell us more referrals are generated within the organization because Members can feel confident referring their valued clients, customers and loved ones to fellow WRS Members.

As an approved Member, you may attend as little or as many networking events as you wish with no lead requirements and no penalty fees. 

WRS has a unique networking method… that actually works! Anyone can give a referral when asked “Do you know someone who?” However, included with your WRS membership is a networking orientation where WRS outlines our 30+ year proven method about how to effectively listen for referral opportunities beyond the obvious. This technique is responsible for members becoming each other’s referral team, referring new customers who actually culminate into real customers. This method is focused on at every WRS Networking Event. Therefore, referrals circulate without imposing the requirement that Members exchange bogus leads that go nowhere.

We have proven that if you create a system of support between Members and show them effective ways to generate referrals for each other, they will give referrals generously, willingly and often. And WRS Members do just that.

Don’t take our word for it. Ask our WRS Members yourself.  Click here to see a list of WRS Members who welcome anyone calling them to ask about how WRS has helped to generate a steady stream of new business for them.

If you are interested in becoming an approved member of WRS, click here to contact us!

We do one thing... really well.  We generate upscale, affluent, NEW  customers for Business Owners, Account Executives & Professionals in  private practice.

WRS offers all different types of networking events:

"Open" Chapter Meetings

Upon joining WRS, you will belong to all of our Traditional Chapters. WRS Members may participate at any or all of our meetings at anytime. You can expect to leave meetings having met, connected and established a rapport with many new contacts! Larger attendance is expected at Traditional Events.

WRS offers numerous chapters throughout Southern California. Click on the chapter of your choice for details:

Orange County Women's Chapter Orange County, CA
Saturday Brunch Marina Del Rey, CA
San Fernando Valley Women's Referral Service Chapter Studio City, CA
South Bay Women's Chapter El Segundo, CA
Westside Chapter Dinner Culver City, CA


"Exclusive" Networking Events

Be the only person in your category in the chapter

Click on the chapter of your choice for details:

Calabasas Breakfast
Conejo Valley Breakfast
Santa Monica Breakfast
West Valley Luncheon


Online Networking Events

Coming Soon
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