Women's Referral Service
Worthwhile Referral Sources

About Worthwhile Referral Sources (WRS)

How WRS Began

Nancy Sardella founded WRS in 1977. With many years of hands-on business experience, Nancy discovered her passion at a very early age, which was and still is, providing business owners with marketing support so they can achieve their dreams of success. At the time, Women's
eferral Service, Inc., was a telephone referral service that enabled women in business to find each other easily. Some of you may recall that in the 70's it was particularly necessary for women to do business with each other to balance the playing field. Women business owners were not taken seriously or respected as such and it was difficult breaking this social stigma so women could acquire customers. The forum that WRS provided gave women business owners and professionals an opportunity to refer business to each other, and, in a very small way, helped make a difference in changing how society viewed women in business.

Additionally, Women's Referral Service, Inc. provided a telephone referral service where consumers could call and get a FREE pre-screened and qualified referral, which was something completely unique at the time. It wasn't long until WRS Members wanted to meet and to do business with each other, and so, WRS' networking organization formed chapters, transforming how business owners and professionals would generate referrals for each other. Some of the very first networking events began in Nanc's living room and today WRS has chapters throughout Southern California.

WRS Evolution

Nancy Sardella grew up within a family of entrepreneurs. She started working in the family business at the early age of 13 and gained enough skills and experience to start her own very successful financial management firm in 1976, at the age of 27. The more she worked with business owners the more she realized that what inspired people to start a business was not necessarily enough to create and maintain a successful business. The creation of WRS was the perfect opportunity to share her business acumen with WRS members about how to market their businesses and how to utilize the unique WRS networking method so that their efforts actually produced results.

In 2006, Women's Referral Service, Inc. changed its name to Worthwhile Referral Sources, keeping the most common and widely used acronym of WRS. Often asked why the name was changed, the short answer is, it was time¦ considering membership is divided 50/50 between men and women.

Today, WRS has more than 30 years under its belt, which includes multiple chapter networking events that meet monthly throughout Southern California. WRS has helped over 70,000 entrepreneurs and professionals create and maintain successful businesses.  Many Members tout they generate 80 - 90% of their business directly from WRS.  Click here to see a list of testimonials from WRS Members.

What makes our networking organzation different from other networking groups?

We do one thing... really well.  We generate upscale, affluent, NEW  customers for Business Owners, Account Executives & Professionals in a private practice.

First, WRS was one of, if not the very first networking group to begin in Southern California at a time when no one even understood the concept of a networking organization. Secondly, since WRS has had plenty of time to develop its unique networking method, Members explain that the results they experience here in WRS are unmatched by any other organization. Additionally, WRS is the only organization to provide a variety of meeting formats with no penalty fees or lead requirements. Members can attend any or all WRS networking events, as little or as often as they wish. Lastly, WRS is the only organization that serves as a one - stop shop for business owners and professionals by providing marketing services and business training needed to succeed.

If you are too busy to market your business or too shy to get out there and network, WRS can serve as your full service marketing agency. Nancy Sardella will be your personal marketing consultant/coach, helping you create a cost effective, well-rounded marketing strategy for your business. Additionally, WRS can keep your new customers coming in at a steady pace.  WRS can, if you wish, implement a plan for you so you can focus on your customers and your business. WRS helps you take out the guess work of marketing and eliminate the expensive “trial and error” campaigns you have probably struggled with and were disappointed with in the past.

WRS also offers Business training with several seminars and workshops to help you get the knowledge you need to succeed. Maximum visibility to WRS members and their circles of influence is available for you in two printed publications, as well as an Online Referral Service at referral-guide.com and a Telephone Referral Service at 818-995-6646.

A Personal Note from Nancy Sardella

WRS knows being in business is sometimes hard. It is difficult to manage all the tasks necessary to create and maintain a successful business, which is why WRS provides ALL the tools you’ll need to make your business a success.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level, contact us for a free business marketing analysis by one of our highly trained Member Services Marketing Consultants.

Our special thanks to all with whom we have had the honor of supporting over the last 30+ years and we look forward to those we will be supporting in the next.

Warmest regards,

Nancy Sardella
WRS President
Sr. Marketing Consultant
Helping your business do more business!


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